Swedish Content Awards Vinnare



On Thursday, May 16, Axelent together with the Content agency Glory Days won gold and silver at the Swedish Content Awards.

Great content marketing strengthens your brand, builds loyalty and creates more and better business. An important goal of the competition is to reward good quality and innovative solutions that have created the required impact. Swedish Content Awards is arranged by the trade association Swedish Content Agencies. All entries will be judged by a prestigious jury.

More than 160 entries came into this year's competition and among them the jury has selected 90 entries that compete to win in 27 different categories.

Swedish Content Awards Scenen)



Picture above from left: Susanne Engvall, Elin Richardson and Jennie Johnsson. 



Best content in the category Energy & Industry


Social media of the year

Read more about the nominees here.

The prizes apply to the global campaign that was carried out in 2018, also awarded at Värnamo Näringslivsgala.

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